PTC Intro Course
Introduction to New Jersey PTC Course
New Jersey PTC is notoriously difficult to navigate, let us help you get started. This 1 hour course will cover the following topics:
- Steps to Obtaining Your NJ PTC
- Firearm Safety
- Home Safety & Storage
- Magazines
- Ammunition
- What to Expect at the Range
- RTSP Qualification Course Overview
- New Jersey & Federal Sensitive Places
Please note: This course does not satisfy the required NJSP live training component. You will need to take the PTC Complete Course which includes both required classroom instruction and the live fire qualification.
Draw From A Holster
Draw From a Holster-This 1 hour course is mandatory for anyone wishing to draw from a holster while using our range or attending drills. This class is also an excellent additional certification for someone who is interested in obtaining a PTC as the mandated qualification requires proficiency in holster draw and retention.
PTC Pre-Qualification
Permit To Carry Pre-Qualification Course - 1HR
This course is gives you the opportunity to practice the qualification portion of the PTC Complete Course (2hr Course).
Qualification Course of Fire [50 rounds total]
PTC Complete Course & Qualification
This course provides all classroom instruction and live fire qualification required for the NJ Permit To Carry application. This course includes the following:
- Principles of Lawful and Safe Handling and Safe Storage of Firearms
- Civilian Use of Force
- Qualification Course of Fire